Friday, 27 July 2007

Middleware security - setting the scene

This blog is about the issues, benefits, opportunities etc. of middleware security. We assume for now that middleware is software such as Web services, CORBA/CCM, JavaEE, OSGi and others (please extend the scope of this blog as needed).

Security for middleware in largeer IT environments is often important because confidential information is sent around between users and applications. The main security issues are (in our opinion):

1. security mechanisms for message protection, client/target authentication, token transfer etc. (this is the easy bit, see CORBAsec as an example)

2. central security management

2.1. identity management: federated identity management has been proposed and is being used (this is the easier half of security management)
2.2. access management: solutions such as are available (please post other products in the comments and I will weave them in). Simplifying the management complexity is one of the main issues here.

2.3. central compliance monitoring

3. non-repudiation: this is a big questionmark I think

4. accreditation: how to accredit a middleware based system (e.g. common criteria) if you don't know the deployment scenario?

I'm sure there is more, please comment.

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